By-catch refers to the unintentional capture of non-target species, such as marine mammals (particularly of cetaceans like dolphins, porpoises, and whales), sea turtles, seabirds, and other fish species, in fishing gear intended for specific target species.
In the game Climate Cooldown, “By-catch” is a Disaster card which harms the marine ecosystem and reduces the amount of available food resources.
Marine conservation biology, Fisheries science
By-catch reduction coordinator, Marine ecosystem researcher
What is by-catch and why is it a concern in fishing?
How does by-catch affect marine ecosystems and biodiversity?
Explain the concept of by-catch and describe its environmental and economic implications.
Discuss potential solutions or management strategies to reduce by-catch in commercial fishing.
Analyze the factors contributing to by-catch and evaluate the effectiveness of current by-catch reduction measures.
Discuss the ethical considerations surrounding by-catch and its impact on sustainable fisheries management.
Critically evaluate the socio-economic impacts of by-catch on fisheries and coastal communities.
Examine case studies of successful by-catch reduction programs and their applicability to different fisheries.